Welcome to the bar waiting to be born.

Tequila Ginger’s Thirsty Trap….

where tacos, tequila, and sand become therapy.


Tequila Ginger’s Thirsty Trap Bar was created in the imaginations of hard working OB/GYNs trying to survive the pandemic. Remembering better days that were filled with sand and sun (and not remembering some tequila filled nights described only by our friends who were sober enough to tell the tale) lead to long discussions in call rooms about what our lives will be like in the next few years. We conjured up a bar on a Cabo beach with enough tequila and friends to make this last two years a distant memory. We are manifesting our destiny and destination. Won’t you join us!



The best part of any vacation is sporting new t-shirts and hats when you get home. Now you have the opportunity to show up to a bar wearing a t-shirt you bought five years before the bar even opened. Look for quotes from our hard working docs on our merchandise as a bonus. Just remember what we do for a living when you read them! Oh, and be prepared to explain to your kids what they mean, too.

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Click to shop!



Read our story and follow our progress.
